Multidisciplinary teams are assembled after a competitive application process. Each team consists of 5 people, from a healthcare, science, engineering, business and a wildcard discipline. Team members are from all career levels but are not specialists within the area of immersion. Each team is placed, for a brief period, within a hospital department (e.g. an emergency department, surgical department etc). During this period, the teams undertake needs analysis, observing and questioning processes that are considered common practice. Through this process, teams identify potential solutions (i.e. a new medical device, software solution or process) and narrow this down to an ideas shortlist. Through the Biodesign program, teams learn about building a MedTech/Healthcare business by understanding the process of innovation via a program of workshops and mentorship. Teams prototype their concept, build a business case and develop a venture capital pitch.
As a part of a team, the concept of identify, innovate, implement is at the core of the Biodesign Sydney program and potential team innovations can lead to future Healthcare technologies and MedTech companies. As an individual, participants completing this program are MedTech savvy entrepreneurs who understand the process of taking an innovation from concept through to product which they can take with them as they innovate into the future.